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411 University St, Seattle


Support our plantation farming.

Agriculture is Uganda’s leading sector contributing over 44% of the country’s gross domestic product. The sector is the back born of Uganda’s economy and the total population. Uganda’s favorable soil conditions and climate have can contribute to agricultural success. , Uganda’s two rainy seasons and plentiful sunshine should mean that families have the ability to grow plenty of food to sustain them throughout the year. Unfortunately, poor farming practices and loss of motivation has left many fields in poor condition, and families who struggle to find enough to eat.

Agriculture is the main source of food for all people in Uganda. In local villages, people depend fully on agriculture for food where subsistence farming is practiced where crop are grown purposely for food. This has assured people of free food, improving their health and living standards as well. But due to luck of enough land, poor farming practices and loss of motivation. Poor families have continued to struggle in order to provide a meal to their children, as Children Missions Charity Organization, we are providing advisory services to the farmers and supplying them with quality seeds along gardening tools. This can greatly help in eradicating poverty through providing employment and above all food.

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