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Sustainable Farming Projects.

Say No To Hunger And Poverty.

In an effort to continually improve our programs and help the families we work with become more self-reliant there came a needy of the farming project, the Children Missions Charity Organization Farming project is aimed at helping families sustain themselves. The majority of Ugandans are subsistence farmers working tirelessly to provide enough to feed their poor families. Uganda’s two rainy seasons throughout the year and plentiful sunshine should mean that families have the ability to grow plenty of food to sustain them throughout the year and rear domestic animals. Unfortunately, poor farming practices and loss of motivation has left many fields in poor condition, and families who struggle to find enough to eat and also earn a living.

A need was observed to assist parents and guardians of the children we serve in our Program to become better equipped in caring for their families while giving them sustainable and profitable methods for farming. Our farming project is divided in to two parts that is the Heifer project and the plantation farming.

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Support our plantation farming.

Agriculture is Uganda’s leading sector contributing over 44% of the country’s gross domestic product. The